Cicada in the Spring

13 Mar

The sound of a chorus that can reach 100 decibels?!

Residents in Virginia and West Virginia may want to prepare for what may amount to hundreds of millions of cicadas this year. Scientists say Brood IX of the 17-year periodical cicadas of eastern North America are set to emerge from underground this spring

In late April to early May, when the soil is above 64° at 8 inches deep, they travel to above ground. In addition to the annual cicada, there are at least 23 different broods in the U.S. with life cycles of either every 13 or 17 years all at once. From time to time they overlap and even share territory.

Male cicada sing in choruses that alternate with short flights from tree to tree. Their song is to attract females and their purpose above ground is to reproduce. Numbers peak in early June and decline by late June.

Cicada are neither poisonous nor have a stinger. They rest on foliage of plants but rarely cause damage. Female cicada make a v shape in twigs to deposit their eggs. The new nymphs travel underground and are gone by July.


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Posted by on March 13, 2020 in plant


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