Cool Weather Vegetable Garden

23 Feb

When the weather and soil begin to warm up, it’s time to begin planting seeds. The first vegetables to start growing in the garden are those that grow best at temperatures of 40 to 50 degrees F (4 to 10 C).

After weeding, transfer the weeds (the ones without seeds or bulbs) to the compost heap.

Cool Hardy Vegetables

Asparagus, Cabbage, Collard, Garlic, Kale, Mustard, Onion, Parsnips, Peas, Radish, Rhubarb, Rutabaga, Spinach, Swiss Chard and Turnips

Companion planting is a helpful method to use to grow organic vegetables. Following is a guide to plant the early Spring vegetables listed above.

Asparagus with tomatoes and basil.

Cabbage with beets, celery, onion, spinach and chard.

Garlic can be planted liberally throughout the garden and helps roses and raspberries. Also helps cabbage, tomato and eggplant. Avoid near beans and peas. Garlic deters the Japanese beetle.

Onion does well with lettuce, cabbage, beet, carrots, strawberries, tomato and summer savory. Keep onion separate from beans, peas, parsley and sage.

Radish repels bugs when grown near most all plants and does well with peas, cucumber and lettuce.

Peas add nitrogen to the soil. Plant with carrot, cucumber, radish and turnips. Keep separate from onion and potato.

Spinach with peas and beans. These three affix nitrogen in the soil, but spinach uses it as well.

Swiss Chard separate from potatoes.

Turnips with peas and away from potatoes.

Additional plants for the garden:

Cilantro repels aphids, spider mites and potato beetles. The seed of cilantro is coriander.

Spearmint acts as a moth and mice repellant. Mint plants tend to be invasive, therefore you may choose to plant it in containers.

Nasturtiums and petunias repel squash bugs.

Starting Seeds Indoors can help you increase the gardening season.

Happy Gardening!

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Posted by on February 23, 2014 in companion planting, organic, plant, vegetables


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